Get Dressed Challenge

I started this little challenge on Instagram and also Facebook this week. I thought I might feel a little Better about things if I really took a few minutes and put on a cute but work from home friendly outfit and some light makeup. I know that it's pretty much only Running Daddy, Hockey Guy and our lab Stormy who will see me, but I think a little way to get back to my daily routine might be a Good idea. I am going to need a little fashion happy because the Governor said this week that we are basically under stay at home orders until June 7. That's right June 7...and it is only the beginning of April right now.

If you want to join me daily, spread some Joy and share your cute outfit, just follow me on Instagram @pcrichey and on my Good Better Best Food Facebook page, tag me and then #GetDressedChallenge.

Here are a couple of outfits I did this week:

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I know I show these cargo pants all the time but they are really soft and perfect for these days at home. Earlier this week I paired them with a black tank and black cardigan.

Tuesday, I went for pink because it was cloudy and I needed a little lift.

Pink V-neck Sweater (similar) 
Lip gloss in nude

I paired jeans with a pink v-neck sweater and topped with a Lilly scarf. I kept my beauty simple with tinted moisturizer, concealer, a little powder, blush, mascara and lip gloss. 

 I am not against leggings in any way. I even believe that leggings are pants in many cases. I asked my friend Susanne to put together a style board for leggings. She put together a board that you could wear at home for distance learning, work at home, stay at home orders (hey there June 7), and then also wear each piece when our lives get back to normal for workouts, brunch and work.  You can order all of these pieces here

If you are struggling with routine a little lately, or are just not feeling your Best, try getting dressed. Do it for yourself, it may just help to help create a sense of normalcy in these very challenging times.  I can't wait to see all of your cute outfits on the #GetDressedChallenge on Instagram and Facebook. Make sure you tag me!

If you posted about fashion this week or want to show us your own #GetDressedChallenge post, feel free to link up with me here.


  1. Love that pink outfit- giving me hope for Spring :)

    1. Thanks girl! Spring is going to get us all through this. Stay well!

  2. You look so beautiful in that pink and getting dressed every day is helping to keep my sanity in place, LOL! Great idea for a challenge!

    1. Thanks Andrea. Join me on Facebook or Insta @pcrichey for the challenge and post your cute outfit. Tag me and #GetDressedChallenge

      I may do a weekly post on this.

  3. I couldn't agree more. I think getting dressed is key in this situation. The pink is so springy and happy. XOXO

  4. I have had to get dressed and have fun with outfits: gotta have something to look forward to each day!

  5. I think routines and self care are going to get us all through this. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read and comment.

    Stay well!


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